Eureka Springs is a quirky town in northwest Arkansas with lots to do for everyone in the family!
Kentucky is one of the places in the United States known for its connection to the horse industry, so it makes sense that there are lots of great activities for horse lovers that visit the state! Check out this list of (horsey) things to check out during your visit to Lexington, KY.
It’s been an incredible year for Finding Fantastic Beasts! Jan 1, 2020 is our one year anniversary and I’m super thankful for all the support and encouragement I’ve had through out this first year. I still have lots to learn about blogging and social media, but I’m getting a bit better at this every week. …
There are lots of incredible guides to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. What to eat…which rides to schedule for Fast Pass…where to stand to watch the shows…. But what about the animals???
There’s not much cuter than a lion or tiger cub! Unfortunately, a lot of tourist experiences take advantage of this vulnerable stage of development and offer cub petting or photo experiences. Even worse, unsuspecting tourists are actually often participating in larger breeding and hunting schemes without their knowledge. Read on to learn the truth about cub petting!
Lots of companies have animal mascots, but few are as recognizable or iconic as the Budweiser Clydesdales. And the Budweiser Clydesdales like to show off! There are lots of opportunities to get up close and personal with these incredible horses.
A trip to Key West has always been on my list. So I was super excited to find out that my cruise to Cuba included a day stop at the island. Here’s how we spent our purrrfect day in Key West (featuring the Hemingway cats!).
It’s easy for well-meaning tourists to hear the word ‘sanctuary’ and assume that they’re supporting a legitimate operation that prioritizes animal welfare. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Check out these amazing exhibits on your visit to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, NE!