National Parks Passport Program

Planning a trip to visit the incredible National Parks in the US? Then you need a National Parks Passport book! Passport stamps are an inexpensive and easy-to-transport souvenir of your travels.

What is a National Park Passport?

A National Park Passport is a commemorative book of the US National Parks. It contains information about the parks and, most importantly, room for you to collect stamps from each one you visit. There are several types of passport books for to choose from and you can even get a Junior Ranger edition for young travellers which includes interactive content, colorful stickers, and room for Junior Ranger stamps.

Where can you purchase a National Park Passport?

You can purchase a book at any National Park or order one in advance online.

Where do I get stamps?!?!

A wide variety of parks, historic sites, and trails managed under the National Parks System offer passport cancellation stamps. Check out the official list here. Also be on the lookout for stamps at other sites. Some state parks, national forests, etc. have created their own stamps as well.

What do stamps cost?

Cancellation stamps at National Parks are always free!

What if I forget to bring my book?

No worries! Just stamp onto a piece of paper and tape or glue it into your book when you get home!

What if I forget to get a stamp or the office is closed when I visit?

Most National Parks offices are happy to help you out. Contact them after your visit and most will send the stamp on a piece of paper to you in the mail.

What else can I collect?

In addition to stamps, there are stickers (a new set of parks highlighted each year), pins, patches, and more that you can collect as part of the National Parks Passport Program.

Non-traditional Passport Book Options

You’re not limited to one of the official passport books! Use the passport stamps to add character to scrapbook pages, date your map of the park, and more! For my trip to Alaska, I took a hardcover collection of John Muir’s essays on Alaska…and added National Park passport stamps inside the front cover for a one-of-a-kind souvenir!