City Museum in St. Louis: Tips and Tricks

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The City Museum in St. Louis is a strange place.  Part art gallery, part playground…it’s a warren of tunnels, bridges, and slides made mostly from industrial salvage.  As odd as that sounds, it all somehow works…like a real life M. C. Escher drawing.  The City Museum is fun for all ages and well worth a stop if you’re in St. Louis.  Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind for your visit.

Wear appropriate clothes.

Exploring the City Museum involves climbing, jumping, sliding, slithering, and crawling.  Closed tossed shoes are a necessity and long pants are strongly recommended.  Make sure your outfit will allow for lots of twisting and turning.

Consider protective gear.

There are lots of rough and hard surfaces.  You might want to consider knee and/or elbow pads to make things more comfortable.  A headlamp can also be useful in some of the darker areas of the museum.

Don’t pack a lot of stuff.

You’ll be constantly on the move during a visit to City Museum and carrying a lot of stuff is going to get old quick.  Not to mention that some places you simply won’t be able to take it with you.  Pack lightly.  If you need them, there are lockers in the lobby.

Don’t take your expensive camera.

While the City Museum is full of great photography opportunities, you’re best off leaving your expensive camera at home.  There’s too big a risk of it getting damaged.

Go when it’s less crowded and the weather is nice.

City Museum is a big place, but it gets crowded during popular times.  Consider going early in the morning or a day when they have extended evening hours.  Also, some of the best parts of the City Museum are outside, so try to avoid bad weather if possible.

Plan on spending plenty of time.

There are countless things to discover and explore during your visit.  Make sure you schedule plenty of time.  You’ll need at least half a day to explore.

Make plans for keeping track of your children/group.

The City Museum is a bit of a labyrinth.  Stairs and tunnels that appear to go the same way often end up in completely different locations! Have a plan for meeting up if you get separated.  For children, it’s a good idea to write your contact info on their wristband.

Bring some quarters

City Museum has quite the collection of pinball machines and vintage arcade games that you won’t be able to resist! Bring a few quarters to try them out.

Embrace your inner child.

City Museum is fun for all ages.  Let yourself have fun.  Play!  Explore! Be a kid again!