Finding Fantastic Beasts in Riviera Maya

The jungle around Riviera Maya is teeming with incredible wildlife.  These are just a few of the fantastic beasts you might encounter!


Also called coatimundi. Related to racoons, these cute critters have a similar build with a long nose and a lemur-like tail.  They travel in packs searching for food…and don’t mind raiding the rubbish bins like their racoon cousins.


Also called a sereque, these house cat sized rodents are quite shy.  Though endangered in the wild, they’re raised to be eaten in some areas.


Spider monkeys

Spider monkeys use their tail as an extra limb as they climb through the trees.  Keep an eye out for all their crazy antics!

Xoloitzcuintli dogs

Revered as sacred dogs by the ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations, these incredible dogs were saved from the brink of extinction.  For more info on the Xolo breed, check out this blog post.

Mayan bees

Mayan bees prefer to make their hives inside tree trunks.  But don’t worry, they don’t sting!

Iguana sunning on the rocks at Tulum


From small to large, iguanas are pretty much everywhere in the area.  Look for them on sunny days catching a few rays on the rocks.


The area’s large amount of mangrove provide a great habitat for crocodiles.  Always be cautious and take note of posted warnings.


Quiet and secretive, you might be hard pressed to spot a jaguar.  But there are certainly still big cats in the area.


Sea turtles

During the summer, sea turtles find their way to the coastline in the Yucatan to lay their eggs.  May beaches are protected during this time.


Termites might seem like a strange thing to look for, but if you’re used to them living under ground, you’ll need to look up to see them here…up in the trees.  See if you can spot one of their nests in the branches.