Packing for vacation is always tricky…but an African horseback safari is even more challenging between the need for specialized equipment…strict luggage limits on small aircraft…and the fact that you’re not going to be able to run to a convenience store if you forget something you.
Here’s a list of things you need to consider packing to make sure your riding safari is a great experience!
Riding clothes: This seems the most obvious, but it’s also far from easy! Regardless of what you ride in at home, consider full seat breeches or tights. The full seat gives you extra security…and they come in regular as well as light weight versions for summer heat. Make sure to select neutral earth tone colors so that you blend into the environment.
For tops, you’ll definitely want something long sleeved to help protect you from the sun, dust, and branches. Consider a short sleeved/tank with a light long sleeved sun shirt on top. Again, make sure to pick neutral earth tones so that you don’t draw attention out in the bush.
2-3 sets of riding clothes (and camp clothes) is likely all you’ll need. Most camps offer laundry services, so you’ll just need to switch out every other day while one set is off being laundered.
Footwear: Again, regardless of what you ride in at home, consider a pair of light weight paddock boots and half-chaps. These are easier and lighter to pack than many other options and the half-chaps will provide extra protection from branches while riding.
Helmet: Most insurance companies require you to ride with a helmet in order to be covered in case something happens. And…consider that emergency medical attention isn’t right at hand. Take a well fitted helmet to ride in. There are lots of light and well ventilated options to choose from.
Riding gloves: Learn from my mistake! I hate riding gloves and opted to head out on my first day without them. But…my mount was heavier in hand than I’m used to…and I promptly developed blisters which plagued me for the rest of my trip. Take gloves and use them!
Hip pack: A small hip pack is a great way to hold a few items (sunscreen, riding gloves, Kleenex, cell phone) on your ride!
A leash for your phone (or camera): Whether you intend to take photos with your phone or an actual camera, you’ll want some way to make sure it’s securely connected to your body. It would be awful to drop it along the way and loose all the photos of your amazing trip!
Sunglasses: Also make sure these are on a leash!
Camp clothes: Most schedules offer some downtime in camp between morning and afternoon outings…and you’ll want light, comfortable clothes and footwear to change into. Again, 2-3 sets of clothing is likely all you’ll need as most camps offer included laundry services.
Sunscreen: The sun is intense! Bring lots of sunscreen and don’t forget to apply it regularly.
Bug spray: If you’re near a body of water…the mosquitos can be killer! Consider a bug spray with a high percentage of DEET.
Medications: Since you’ll be a long ways away from any convenience store, make sure to pack a small supply of a variety of common over the counter medications in addition to any prescription medications. It’s likely that you’ll be riding a whole lot more than you do at home, so don’t forget to take extra of your favorite anti-inflammatory!
Baby powder: When you’re riding, sweat has a tendency to collect in some somewhat less than ideal private areas. A quick dusting a baby powder before heading out on your ride can help prevent chafing.
Travel insurance that covers horseback riding: Not all policies cover horseback activities! Make sure you know what your policy covers. (Check out this blog post on travel insurance for horseback vacations.)