How To Use TripAdvisor’s Travel Forums To Plan The Perfect Vacation (to Anywhere!)

TripAdvisor’s Travel Forums offer a great, free resource for travel planning. Read on to learn how to use the forums to your best advantage!

TripAdvisor Forums

Most people recognize as a website where you can find reviews of hotels and other travel related experiences. But did you know that they also offer an excellent, free resource in the form of a Travel Forum? These message boards are themed by location and type of travel…and provide a place where both locals and other travellers can share their experiences and knowledge.

Personally, I love reading through the posts for somewhere I’m going to be travelling! Not only does it get me excited about my upcoming trip…but I obtain valuable information from people who have been there before, learn about experiences that I would never have heard about otherwise, and can get direct feedback to my questions.

One word of warning…. While these forums can be an incredible resource, always double check the information for yourself!

Read Other People’s Posts

Even if you never post anything of your own, the TripAdvisor Travel Forums are wonderful resources of information. Skim through the posts if you just want a general overview of the destination…or use the search tool if you have a specific topic you’re looking to learn about. You can see what common (and uncommon) questions people have about a location…look at other people’s itineraries…and read trip report from those who have just returned from their trips.

Ask Specific Questions

Don’t be afraid to jump right in. If you have a specific question…ask it!

Examples of good questions include: how long it takes to get from one location to another (and how best to get there), top places to eat a certain type of food, reviews/experiences with a particular tour or attraction you’re considering, hotel recommendations near X for X number of people, etc. What you’ll notice about these questions is that they are very specific and contain lots of details.

Don’t just ask ‘what should I do while I’m in town?’ because the answer to that is different for everyone depending on your interests, length of trip, etc. You do need to do a little research on your own first! (Consider taking an hour or so just to skim through the forum and pick up some background knowledge about the destination.) Doing your own research ahead of time means that the people on the forum can better help you by tailoring their answers to your needs.

More information is always better! When you post a question, don’t forget to include information about your travel party (number of people, ages, level of travel experience, etc.), dates you’re travelling (at least a general month/year), your interests, things you *don’t* like, etc. All this information helps others make sure that they’re giving you the most relevant advice possible.

Vet Your Itinerary

Once you have a rough itinerary, TripAdvisor Forums can be an great place to get some feedback from people who have experience living and travelling in the area. Again, be specific. Start by summarizing who you’re travelling with, everyone’s interests/dislikes/needs, time of year your trip will take place, if you’ll have a vehicle, etc. This makes it easier for people to understand what type of information you might need from them.

Ideally, post a rough itinerary early on in the process…before you book any non-refundable accommodations or experiences. That way if you have flexibility if you decide to change anything.

Be willing to listen. You can learn a lot by listening to others’ opinions, even if they aren’t as favorable as you’d like. Remember, this isn’t a contest. People aren’t there to judge you. They’re trying to help you have a great trip.

But…remember, it is YOUR vacation. No one knows what you’ll enjoy better than you do. Take the suggestions that will improve your vacation…and ignore the rest.

Add Your Own Travel Experiences

After your trip, consider coming back and leaving a trip report. This travel journal can be as brief or as detailed as you would like. These first hand accounts can be super instrumental in helping others plan their own trips in the future! (And they’re a great record of the details of your trip in case you ever need to look back. You know, like when three years later a friend travelling to the same place wants to know what that great Italian restaurant you went to was called.)