Any trip to New York City is going to include a fair amount (read: LOTS) of walking!
Street Layout
New York City is generally laid out on a grid system with rectangular blocks. Keeping track of the layout is easier than many cities, as ‘avenues’ run approximately north and south…while ‘streets’ run approximately east and west. Because the blocks are rectangular in shape, it means they have a short side and a long side. ‘One block’ could mean completely different distances depending on which direction you’re travelling.
Have a Map Handy
Even with an easy to understand layout, it’s still easy to get turned around! Make sure you have a map available to consult if necessary. Whether this is a digital version (you can download a Google map of the area to your phone in advance if you don’t want to use any data) or a paper copy. Make sure if you need to stop and consult your map, that you pick an out of the way location. Step to the side of the main walking area or find a bench in a park so that you’re not in the way of other people.
Watch Out for Other Sightseers
It’s only natural to want to stop to admire something or pause to get that perfect photograph…but make sure you keep the other people on the sidewalk (and roadways) in mind! New York sidewalks are crowded and stopping suddenly can cause a traffic jam. Feel free to look and take all the photos you want, but be considerate and step out of the way. And, while you’re walking, keep an eye out for other sightseers who might suddenly stop on the sidewalk in front of you or pause in the middle of the street to get that perfect photo so that you don’t bump into them.
Give Yourself Plenty of Time
Walking from one place to another takes longer than you think. With crowded sidewalks, signaled crosswalks, and weather to deal with, you may find that the Google map’s estimation isn’t generous enough. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get where you’re going if you’re on a schedule.
Consider the Path Less Travelled
There are tons of fabulous green spaces scattered throughout the city. If your route takes you past one, consider wandering through instead of detouring around!
Secure Your Valuables
Be aware and use smart travel practices. Crossbody purses, slash proof straps, locking zippers, etc. There’s no need to be scared, but also make sure that you’re not making yourself an easy target for pickpockets and thieves.