In these post-COVID days, people are more aware than ever about pathogens in their environment and how travel makes it easier for these diseases to move from place to place. (See the blog post Germs on the Road) But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t travel!
I started my career working in microbiology labs, which means I’ve always been more aware than most about the bacteria and viruses circulating around us. Certain travel situations can be particularly stressful if you’re worried about germs. Heck, it took me a really long time to finally convince myself that I’d step foot on a cruise ship. Just too much Norovirus circulating on board! But I did…and had a fabulous trip (See Cruise Ship Tips for Germaphobes).
But what about air travel? How can you help keep yourself healthy on an airplane?
Use disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer.
Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Most airplanes are carrying several groups of people throughout the day and there are a lot of contact surfaces that people touch as they’re boarding and unboarding the plane. Consider wiping down the contact points around your seat with disinfectant wipes and use hand sanitizer frequently to help limit your exposure.
Wear a mask
Even when COVID related travel mask-mandates are lifted, you should still consider wearing a well fitted N95 mask during your flight. They really do help protect the wearer from pathogens. And, as a bonus, it protects other people from any germs you might be carrying as well!
Stay hydrated
The mucus membranes in your airways are designed to help trap and expel bacteria and viruses. But they need moisture to do so. The humidity on an airplane is considerably less than what most people are used to, which means you dehydrate much faster. Make sure to drink lots of water to make up for this.
Get a good night’s sleep before you travel
Skimping on sleep has been shown to negatively affect your immune function. Try to get a full 8 hours of sleep the night before your flight.
Pack a snack
Long haul flights often include a meal service. While companies are doing all they can to improve the quality of meals provided on airplanes, food safety will always be a challenge. Holding large volumes of food at safe temperatures can be difficult even under the best conditions, but crammed onto an airplane this becomes even more so. Particularly problematic foods you should consider avoiding include: dairy products, raw fruits and vegetables (though ones you need to peel such as oranges and bananas are generally safe), ice (!), seafood, chicken, rice, and deli meats. Consider packing your own snacks or try to stick with processed and pre-packaged options on the aircraft.
Bring along your favorite immune supplement
While scientific data supporting immune boosters is mixed, there’s no harm in a little extra Vitamin C. Consider taking probiotics and your favorite immune support for the duration of your trip.