10 Awesome Travelling Animals (to Follow on Instagram)

1. Henry the Colorado Dog

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Where should H+B go next? 🤔

A post shared by Henry + Baloo 👋🏼 (@henrythecoloradodog) on

2. Burma the Adventure Cat

3. William the Weimaraner

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Hard to beat this place 🙌

A post shared by The Life Of William (@williamtheweimaraner) on

4. Suki Cat

5. Miami Traveller Dog

6. Loki the Wolfdog

7. Wanderlust Samoyed

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Dis my face when I’m focused 🤓😜*Anzeige #burgeltz #castle #burg

A post shared by Felix (@wanderlust_samoyed) on

8. Tuna the Adventure Cat

9. Aspen the Mountain Pup

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I’m dreaming of a white Christmas 🎶🎅🏽

A post shared by Aspen the Mountain Pup (@aspenthemountainpup) on

10. Mr. Pokee

Bonus: 11. The Dogist

Not exactly a travelling animal, but I love these photos of cute dogs from around the world!

What is your favorite travelling animal on social media?